At Brothers Plumbing, Heating, and Electric, we believe that a strong team is built on camaraderie, shared experiences, and a dash of brotherly fun. Our commitment to fostering a positive work environment goes beyond the office walls. Throughout the year, we host six company-wide events that not only bring our team together but also provide an opportunity for our team members and their families to bond.

Quarterly Jamboree

Our journey towards a close-knit and collaborative team wraps up every quarter with a team-building event called Jamboree. These gatherings are designed to promote teamwork, celebrate the previous quarter’s successes, and connect our team to the various departments.

Q1: Year Review + Kickoff

We kickstart each year by looking back at the previous year and all the success we accomplished. We also look ahead at the upcoming year by announcing our annual theme which is built upon the goals we are setting forth for the year ahead, plus hand out a ton of fun Brothers swag!

Q2: Company History Review

In the second quarter, we focused on team building by putting our Brothers spin on popular games to remind our team of our company’s history. This is a valuable part of our year as it reminds the team of our foundation but also allows us to see continued progress.

Q3: Team Building

The third quarter is all about celebrating our achievements and bonding as a team. We host engaging team-building activities and prepare for the final quarter of the year.

Q4: Giving Back to the Community

In the final quarter, we focus on giving back to the community by organizing a different drive every year. We have done everything from sock and coat drives to penny wars giving our team the ability to make their own impact. At Brothers, we strive to support local Denver, Colorado nonprofit organizations and make a positive impact on the community around us.

Annual Family Picnic

Family is at the heart of everything we do, and our annual family picnics reflect this sentiment. Each year, we invite our team members and their loved ones to join us for a day of outdoor fun and relaxation.

Highlights of Our Family Picnic:

  • – Games and activities for all ages, ensuring everyone has a blast.
  • – Opportunities for team members and their families to connect and build lasting friendships.
  • – A chance for our team to show appreciation to our team members’ support systems.

Annual Christmas Party

The favorite of our yearly events is without doubt the annual Christmas party. Held in the final quarter, this event is a culmination of our hard work, achievements, and the bonds we’ve built throughout the year.

What to Expect at Our Christmas Party:

  • – A festive atmosphere filled with music, decorations, and holiday spirit.
  • – Delicious food and drinks to satisfy even the most discerning palates.
  • – Entertainment, ranging from live performances and games.
  • – An opportunity to celebrate the holiday season together.

At Brothers Plumbing, Heating, and Electric, these events aren’t just about fun and games. They’re about fostering a sense of belonging, creating lasting memories, and strengthening the bonds that make us a cohesive team. We look forward to many more years of laughter, learning, and celebration together as we continue to grow and thrive.

Join our mission to not only excel in our professional endeavors but also create a warm, inclusive, and joyful Denver workplace for all. Call our human resources team today at 303-407-3966 or visit our hiring page to apply today! Together, we’ll achieve greatness, one smile at a time.