Is it Time to Kick Your AC to the Curb?

During a Colorado summer, we rely on a few essentials: sunscreen, a hat, and our home air conditioning unit.

An air conditioner can make life comfortable when temperatures climb… however, how do you know when you can no longer rely on your AC system, and it is time to “kick it to the curb”? Maybe you’ve noticed it doesn’t seem to cool or run as efficiently as it used to. Like all appliances, your air conditioner won’t last forever, although you will get a good life out of a well-maintained system. A regularly serviced air conditioner will last much longer than one that is not.

Even a well-maintained air conditioner of a certain age might run into problems. So, we’ve prepared a list of the top 7 telltale signs that indicate you need to kick your air conditioner to the curb.

1. The unit is blowing hot or cold air, which is inconsistent with temperature settings

One of the most common problems in an older air conditioning unit is that it just doesn’t cool or heat. It may still produce normal air levels, but it isn’t coming out cold or hot per its settings. From time to time, during regular use, you may experience some warm air in a cool environment. However, if your unit stops producing cold air entirely, it’s time to investigate, and vice versa, for heating. It may mean low refrigerant levels. However, when set for cooling, warm air production can indicate a severe problem, such as a damaged compressor.

Inconsistent temperatures are a sign of trouble, too. Your air conditioner is supposed to provide a consistent air temperature in your chosen setting. When individual rooms become cold zones, and others don’t seem to get any cold air, it could mean your air conditioning unit is on the way out. If your unit produces hot (or inconsistent) air, inspect the filters, valves, condensation drains, and coils for airflow obstructions. However, be prepared. A replacement unit may be on the cards.

2. Your unit has diminished airflow

During operation, little or no cold air is emitted from the vents. A significant decrease in airflow could be another sign that your air conditioner’s compressor is on its last leg. If your thermostat is set to a reasonable temperature and your home is still too warm, your air conditioning system is not working optimally. Again, check filters first, but it might be time for a new unit.

3. It’s emitting strange noises or strange smells

A fully functioning air conditioning system should operate almost silently. If you know your unit well, you’ll be familiar with any little sounds it makes as it cycles. Those noises will be a regular part of your life’s sound symphony. So, when you hear noises different from the norm, it’s time to act. Minor noise changes could indicate the need for some repairs. Perhaps the fan isn’t working correctly, one of the parts inside the unit has become loose, or an internal mechanism has become clogged with dirt. However, if the noise is a little strange – such as screeching, grinding, grating, rattling, buzzing, or ticking- this could indicate a severe problem requiring unit replacement!

The same goes for unusual odors! If your unit is giving off a bad smell, it’s not just a nuisance; it indicates a problem you must address immediately. Foul odors can mean that your air conditioner’s insulation has become damaged or the ductwork has become moldy. Dirt, mold, or mildew inside your unit can circulate contaminated air through your home and cause health issues for your family. So, don’t ignore those nasty smells. Strange smells may be caused by a filter that needs replacing. So, check them first, but if your unit is still smelly, it could be time to replace it.

4. Your unit is leaking or producing excess moisture

Depending on your air conditioner, a small amount of condensation or water dripping outside your unit (i.e., outside the house) is reasonable. However, for the most part, your air conditioning unit should stay dry whether or not it’s in use. If you notice moisture inside the house, a sudden increase in condensation, or a leak, it may be time to replace your air conditioner. First, ask a Brother’s air conditioning technician to inspect it immediately for safety reasons (electrical components and water are not a good combination). Some units may spring refrigerant leaks; refrigerant should only ever be handled by a professional due to the health risks it poses. Your air conditioning specialist will locate the source of the leak and let you know if a new unit is the most cost-effective course of action.

5. Your unit is short cycling

It’s reasonable for your air conditioner to cycle on and off to maintain a set temperature throughout your home. However, as your unit developed a tendency to switch itself off randomly? Alternatively, does it sometimes have difficulty getting started? If you notice it turns on and off more frequently than usual, your unit may malfunction. Short cycling puts extra stress on your air conditioner and will cause it to fail if not handled quickly. Call a Brothers, and with any luck, it may just be a blown fuse. However, it may mean it’s time for a new unit.

6. Your energy bills have dramatically increased

Even if your unit appears to be functioning ‘normally,’ one of the most prominent telltale signs of a significant problem can be found on your energy bill. Has it spiked suddenly, and you aren’t sure why? Undertake an ‘energy audit’ and consider other factors that may have caused your energy bill to increase. This will help you determine whether your air conditioning is the culprit behind a surge in energy costs. If all roads lead to your unit being the source of the extra power, then you need to determine why it has become significantly less efficient. Perhaps your air conditioning system is overworking? Diminished cooling capacity will raise energy costs as your unit struggles to maintain the desired temperature ineffectively. Try cleaning the air vents, replacing the filters, and checking for any lumps or knots in the condensing coil. Of course, it may be an energy drain only because it has become sluggish and is reaching the end of its working life.

7. Your unit requires frequent repairs (and is out of warranty)

Has your trusty air conditioning unit become more trouble (and expensive) than it’s worth? Ideally, your unit should be serviced yearly to keep it well-maintained, clean, and tip-top shape. Occasionally, you may need an extra service or repair. However, if your air conditioning system needs mending and repairing multiple times yearly, you may have to Kick it to the curb. Replacing your air conditioner may be the more economical and efficient option. Usually, you can factor in one major repair or part replacement. However, if dangerous repairs occur later in the unit, they warn of future issues. If your unit needs a complicated repair after the warranty expires, that’s a sure sign to start shopping around for a new unit instead of pouring money into an old one with a limited shelf life.

So, do you recognize any of these signs? Don’t wait.

If you detect any of these seven signs that your air conditioning is malfunctioning, it’s time to call Brothers. To stay comfortable during the summer months, it’s vital to carry out any necessary repairs, or if it proves to be more cost-effective, it may be time to part ways with your unit and invest in a brand-spanking new one with a warranty. Acting now will let you get back to enjoying a trouble-free, noise-free, leak-free, energy-efficient Colorado summer.

Call 303.451.5057 or visit to schedule today!

And, from the team here at Brothers, have a safe, fun, and cool summer!

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