LIME Light Outreach was founded by LIME Painting CEO, Nick Lopez, as a way to extend the company’s core values of Love, Integrity, Mission and Excellence (L.I.M.E.) beyond just a concept and putting these values into action by incorporating LIME Light Outreach, Inc.
Their mission is to empower and help children and young adults through various channels, and to build awareness around LIME’s four pillars of knowledge, FAITH, FAMILY, PATRIOTISM, and PROSPERITY.
LIME Light works with like-minded nonprofits to impact youth through powerful events, campaigns, and media.
Brothers’ donation specifically went towards helping raise money for the Providence Network a group that focuses on housing options for homeless, domestic violence victims, people with mental illness, Low-Income individuals, and many more.
If you would like to learn more about either of these groups, you can visit their websites at:
Limelight Outreach
LIME Light Outreach
Providence Network